accuracies 双语例句
1·The results show that the accuracies are nearly equal.
2·The experiments demonstrate that the proposed method can achieve better results and better accuracies.
实验表明本文方法可取得较好分类结果 与较高分类精度。
3·The classification accuracies indicated that the optimal kernel-parameter method could get optimal results.
4·Accuracies of a typical DC bench-type digital multimeter can be as good as 0.002 percent (1 count of reading for a 6 1/2 digit instrument).
一台典型的直流台式数字万用表的精度可以达到0.002%(一种6 1/2 数字仪器的一个读数)。
5·Recent system modifications as presented in this paper have improved absolute positioning accuracies from the decimeter level to sub-decimeter.
6·By analyzing the results, it is proved that the emission times of the laser range finder can be limited to 50 times with accuracies down to 10.
7·The results show that the accuracies of four color grades rambutan recognized by SVM model were 94%, 88%, 89%, 95% respectively with good stability.
8·The important parameters of earch region arc calculated by two curve fitting methods with a microcomputer The accuracies o?calculations arc discussed.
9·This tester is suitable to measure accuracies of pitch deviation with inside and outside straight helical circular gear among seventh degree. Easy to operate and maintenance.
10·In early maturity, the accuracies of the two indexes were all below 50%, which were 11.11% and 20.59%So the two indexes could not be used for predicting early maturity heterosis.
accuracies 短语搭配
(1)high accuracy高准确度
(1)measurement accuracy量测精度
(1)measuring accuracy测量精度;计量精度
(1)machining accuracy加工精度;精加工精确度
(1)control accuracy控制精度
(1)positioning accuracy定位精度;定位准确度