develop talent 双语例句
1·So it is incredibly important to develop talent internally.
2·To develop talent resource mainly depends on education.
3·You'll develop talent and get utility functions off your plate.
4·We develop talent, organize people to be more effective and motivate them to perform at their best.
我们的工作是培养 人才 ,对人员进行合理组织使之能够高效工作,并激励他们尽最大努力履行职责。
5·Part of being a good manager is the ability to develop talent in your team that can lead to strategic, long-term success.
6·South African singer Larry Joe found in solitary confinement the peace of mind he needed to develop his talent.
7·For every child has different hobbies and talent, teaching them at home can help them find and develop their being genius effectively.
8·That given, part of a talent for being organised means that you develop a bunch of shortcuts and tricks to make your life easier.
9·They are constantly networking to develop sources with the specialized skills they need, much as Hollywood studios scout for talent to cast a given film.
10·“Helping my child develop her talent is my destiny, ” Ms. Park, 51, said in an interview. “I am working for myself because my daughter is me.”