symbolic expression 双语例句
1·Gifts meaning is a symbolic expression of it sender to you.
2·Because the durability, refractive index, good, so the crystal is often used as symbolic expression of deep friendship.
3·Release the karma, ascending beyond the symbolic expression of Annanuki-Red Race conflict, and the whole of mankind can also ascend.
释放业力,提升超越Anu -红族冲突的象征性表达,然后整个人类也都可提升。
4·Cultural brand is both a symbol of goods and the symbolic expression to build social relations from person to person based on the commodity.
5·This paper discusses the theory of architectural symbolism as well as symbolic expression, which would be beneficial to architectural design.
6·Yacc allows you to refer to the components of an expression by symbolic names.
7·Such a modeling method in graphics designing will make the expression of designing idea more symbolic and perception of the receivers more colorful and individual.
8·The paper describes symbolic structure of word of program language with regular grammar and regular expression, constructs converted-state chart to identify word symbol.
9·This paper applies the characters of primes in the mathematical theory of Numbers transfers the symbolic computation into value computation and designs a tool of Boolean expression simplification.
10·The meaning of symbolic regression is that we are searching for a function that closely matches an unknown expression based on a finite set of sample data, in order to analyze and forecast data.