modern convenience 双语例句
1·But it doesn't have all the modern convenience offered by the city.
2·In this resort you can enjoy all the comfort and convenience of modern tourism.
3·We are enjoying the convenience of modern technology.
4·Featuring modern decor with a Southwestern-inspired flair, visitors enjoy the convenience and finishing of a lavish resort with the familiar feeling of home.
5·At the modern dining table the fork is the only item of cutlery needed to Wolf down a quick convenience meal in front of the television at the end of the day.
6·Convenience as well as primary cleaning performance have become one of the most important claims of modern hard surface cleaners.
7·It is harder, though, to argue that the modern version of cosmology, let alone any hypothetical one which is multiversal rather than universal, has come about for mankind's convenience.
8·On-line education brings huge convenience to those who are eager to update knowledge but are hard-pressed for time, therefore, it is more attractive to busy modern people.
9·Although the development of modern transportation to bring the untold convenience, but also increase the number of potential safety problems.
10·In recent years, the handset took one kind of convenience quick communication facilities seeped Chinese modern life each domain, world-wide university campus each quoin.