quotation include 双语例句
1·You can escape these rules by placing the name in double quotation marks, which allows names to be case sensitive and to include additional characters (including spaces).
通过把名称放在双引号中,可以避开 这些规则,使用双引号允许名称区分大小写以及包含附加字符(包括空格)。
2·There are several additional rules for writing string constants that allow you to include special characters (such as quotation marks) within the string.
3·If you need to include white space in a value, enclose it in quotation marks.
4·If you want the results to list only artifacts that include an exact phrase of words, enclose the entire search term in quotation marks.
5·Daily jobs include quotation, sales order handling, delivery, logistic tracking.
6·Be sure to include the quotation marks around the zero character.
7·Step 1:Include a title page with the name of your movie in quotation marks, followed by a double space and your name.
第一步: 有一个标题页面,上面的电影名字要加引号,然后空一行写你的名字。
8·Can you send a quotation to our include unit price and total price about this spare parts.
9·Prices quoted do not include shipping charges unless so stated in quotation.
10·Quotation When a string must be used as an argument inside a function, it must be contained within quotation marks. This can include parameter names, and file paths.