livestock management 双语例句
1·This figure is even higher in the drylands where inappropriate policies and inadequate livestock management contribute to advancing desertification.
2·According to FAO, introducing improved livestock management and crop practices, coupled with adaptive management of forests, could have a very significant impact.
3·The Lava Lake Land &Livestock ranch has pioneered the nonlethal management of wolves.
4·Disease control and health management in aquaculture are different from the terrestrial livestock sector, particularly due to the fluid environment.
5·Livestock can contribute to risk management in many ways.
6·China's partnership with CGIAR Centers focuses on major food crops (maize, potatoes, rice and wheat), land and water management, livestock, forestry, fisheries, and food policy.
7·However, there are some significant barriers to this change, including livestock and farm management issues, consumer resistance and the gradual nature of change in food tastes.
8·The site selection, construction and management of livestock and poultry farms, breeding zones, designated slaughtering enterprises shall be in compliance with laws and regulations.
9·Replying challenges of entering WTO, Chinese livestock and poultry must to strengthen industrial management and improve product's quality and foster industrial key competition.
10·Article 5 Livestock slaughter and quarantine shall be carried out on the principle of slaughter in settled place, concentrative quarantine, and separation of slaughter, quarantine and management.