cocooning 双语例句
1·This is called 'nesting or cocooning'.
2·To cut expenses, consumers are going out less, a phenomenon retail analysts call cocooning.
3·This is called 'nesting or cocooning'. Birds build nests out of sticks to hold their eggs and baby birds.
4·Disclosed is a silkworm cocoon picker of slat type paper cocooning frame which can be used to pick silkworm cocoons conveniently.
5·The terms cocooning and nesting became popular more than twenty years ago. They describe people buying their first homes and filling them with many things. These people then had children.
作茧和筑巢这两个词在20多年前开始流行,它们用于描述首次购房并在家里添置许多家具的人, 然后他们会生儿育女。
6·It was concluded that YJ-2000 not only showed low toxicity to the silkworm, but also acted no marked negative impacts on growth and development, cocooning as well as fecundity of the silkworm.
综合分析认为:YJ 2 0 0 0菌株对家蚕不仅低毒,而且对其生长发育、结茧和生殖力等均无明显的不良影响。
7·The results indicated that reasonable closing the windows and doors of cocooning room could improve the cocoon quality such as reelable cocoon rate, reelability percentage, raw silk rate and neatness.
1·It was concluded that YJ-2000 not only showed low toxicity to the silkworm, but also acted no marked negative impacts on growth and development, cocooning as well as fecundity of the silkworm.
综合分析认为:YJ 2 0 0 0菌株对家蚕不仅低毒,而且对其生长发育、结茧和生殖力等均无明显的不良影响。