popes 双语例句
1·Papaphobia is the fear of Popes.
2·St. Peter replied, Well, you see, we have many Popes up here, but only one lawyer.
3·It was with me in the birthplaces of two popes: Wadowice, Poland, and Marktl am Inn, Germany.
这小鸭还与我一起去了两个教皇的出生地:波兰的Wadowice和德国的马克特尔(Marktl am Inn)。
4·In the 14th century, Avignon was in fact the refuge of the Popes fleeing the dangers of Rome.
5·Deeming their mandate to be from God, popes believe it can only be taken away by the Almighty at death.
6·He wrote that there was a Pope who was nowhere to be found in the Catholic Church's official list of popes.
7·The Council of Vienne was held in that town in France by order of Clement v, the first of the Avignon popes.
8·I bought a book on the passing of spiritual authority from the apostles through successive popes and other bishops.
9·So if the Pope is elected, but by only a limited number of men, old men who themselves were appointed by previous Popes.
10·Their autonomy was assisted by the continuing struggle between popes and Emperors, between church and state, again, a thoroughly unique Western experience.
1·Deeming their mandate to be from God, popes believe it can only be taken away by the Almighty at death.
2·He is at his most instructive and entertaining in the period that roughly coincides with the construction of Saint Peter's basilica, which took 120 years and lasted for the lifetime of 20 popes.
3·This may mean Britain receives more visits from popes in the future: the country is low on the list of countries visited since 1964, when the Vatican began counting such trips systematically.
4·In the personal arms of the popes, the keys are, of course, arranged as in the arms of the Holy See: the other arrangement would be equivalent to treating him as merely the head of that little state.
5·It was with me in the birthplaces of two popes: Wadowice, Poland, and Marktl am Inn, Germany.
这小鸭还与我一起去了两个教皇的出生地:波兰的Wadowice和德国的马克特尔(Marktl am Inn)。
popes 短语搭配
(1)pope benedict xvi教皇本笃十六世(现任天主教教宗)
(1)alexander pope亚历山大·蒲柏(英国诗人)