frame cover 双语例句
1·The workers then add a glass cover, bolt on an aluminum frame, attach a junction box and package it for shipping.
2·They are to take all the articles used for ministering in the sanctuary, wrap them in a blue cloth, cover that with hides of sea cows and put them on a carrying frame.
3·the “max” frame in the corner is actually a max roach album cover.
角落处'max'画框实际上是max蟑螂? 专辑的封面。
4·Your collection of monitor data should cover a time frame in which you would expect normal database activity (for example, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. during a workday).
监控器数据收集应该包含一个时间框架,您期望在这段时间内发生普通数据库活动(例如,每个工作日的9 a . m .到5 p. m.)。
5·Once you have your frame built, drape your cover over the top and stake it down with sharp sticks.
6·I saw it with a black frame on the table, take cover, apple has turned out.
7·Through the introduction of the frame and function of CAPP system about die of automobile cover parts, bring forward some questions when exploiting the system.
8·The utility model aims at designing the test blood taking frame with the cover that can ensure the blood samples not splash nor cause mutual pollution during the transportation process.
9·Exhaust air from rear side; galvanized steel molding frame, white coated steel cover.
10·An insulating baffle and a flip embedded cover frame are mounted on the surface for facilitating cooking.
表面设隔热 挡板以及翻盖嵌入式锅盖架,方便烹饪。