level crossings 双语例句
1·In addition to that there are occupational, cane and private railway level crossings.
2·Yellow box junctions can also be found at railway level crossings or tramway crossings.
3·We find the reduced fidelity is an effective tool in detecting the quantum phase transitions associated with level crossings for the finite-size systems.
4·With some exceptions on Amtrak's Acela and North East corridor tracks, level crossings are attuned to limits of 50mph for freight and 80mph for passenger trains.
5·Pedestrians and vehicles must, when passing a railway level crossing or a pedestrian cross-walk, observe the relevant regulations governing passage over crossings.
6·Pedestrians and vehicles must, when passing a railway level crossing or a pedestrian cross-walk, observe the relevant regulations governing passage over crossings.
(道路)在双向的道路口有一条单行道的; 当车辆相遇时一方必须离开道路让另一方通过的。