perform maintenance 双语例句
1·To use, find the part you wish to perform maintenance on, and look right for the dot.
2·This is a problem not only when the database fails, but when you want to perform maintenance on the server.
3·If you regularly access a remote server to perform maintenance or develop software, GNU Screen is indispensable.
如果您常常要访问远程服务器以执行维护或开发软件,那么GNU Screen是必不可少的工具。
4·A relatively specialized field, roustabouts perform maintenance on oil RIGS and pipelines, using hand and power tools.
5·Perform maintenance job according to operation regulations strictly and guarantee the safety during maintenance process;
6·No dot means that there is no need to perform maintenance on that specific part, unless the part is obviously in need of repair.
7·Perhaps your NIM server is also a good candidate, as it may be used infrequently, only to install AIX systems and perform maintenance?
8·Because mysqld must perform maintenance on the cache, such as pruning when memory becomes low, the server can get bogged down trying to manage the cache.
9·Before you change your deployment or perform maintenance operations, you should consider the impact that these operations have on the synchronization process.
10·On the other hand, in DB2 LUW, Quiesce will be in persistent lock-mode that can be applied on instance, database or table space to restrict normal users while you perform maintenance tasks.
另一方面,在DB 2 LUW中,Quiesce将处于持续锁定模式,可在执行维护任务时将其应用于实例、数据库或表空间来限制普通用户。