social media site 双语例句
1·It's a social media site and you can vote stories up or down.
2·Designmoo is a new social media site for designers and developers.
3·Finally, a brand's official site pops up when folks search for it on social media sites.
4·Put your social media site membership to good use and participate in the community and in forums.
5·On China's social media site Weibo, thousands of people have Shared and commented on the news.
6·As the usage of social media sites is increasing exponentially every year, you should be promoting your site there.
7·If you've enjoyed reading this article please subscribe to my RSS Feed or submit this page to your favorite social media site.
8·Adding to Reddit: Reddit is another great social media site for sharing and voting on articles. It's quick and easy to submit a link.
添加到Reddit: Reddit是另一个很棒的社会化媒体网站来分享和对文章评分,提交链接非常简单。
9·Another example of how product design decisions can bring the core of a Web application to life comes from the social media site, Digg.
10·I just found a new social media site targeting moms for Samsung, specifically for the company's extensive line of washers and dryers.