land purchases 双语例句
1·Investors now account for a quarter of all land purchases in some states.
2·This raises the requirement for down payments on land purchases from the original 20 percent.
3·As outright land purchases have decreased, conservation is increasingly becoming an easement business.
4·Growth in construction loans (for land purchases and home - and office-building) peaked at 36% a year in early 2006, leaving small Banks horribly over-exposed.
5·A growing realization that much of China's massive stimulus spending and lending of 2009 and 2010 ended up in land purchases, driving up prices in an unsustainable fashion.
6·Growth in construction loans (for land purchases and home - and office-building) peaked at 36% a year in early 2006, leaving small Banks horribly over-exposed (see left-hand chart, below).
7·They include purchases of land, which only reflect changes in ownership, not an increase in capacity or value added.
8·This includes purchases of land, which reflect only changes in ownershp, not increases in value added, which GDP tries to measure.
它包括土地购买,而土地购买仅反映所有权的转变而无任何附加值的增长。 而后者正是gdp试图衡量的。
9·Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, the chairman of nestle, claims: the purchases weren't about land, but water.
雀巢集团董事长Peter Brabeck - Letmathe声称:“购买土地的目的不在于土地,而在于水资源。”
10·It is charged at the full rate of 16% for purchases of land.