make something of yourself 双语例句
1·I believe that you have to find a reason to work hard, to want to make something of yourself.
2·You have a creative thing which you do, a process where you make something unique and put something of yourself, your individuality, into it.
3·This is something you make yourself, she said, instead of settling for what's out there.
4·Try this: if you're afraid to fail at something, make yourself a list of the things you can try if you do fail at first.
5·When this happens you lose sight of your passion because you tell yourself, Hey I have a chance to make quick money why not take the opportunity with something I have no idea about.
6·If you want to improve something deep in your life, you should also make sure that your vision of yourself supports you.
7·It doesn't make the job any easier to second-guess yourself into a state of neurosis (something perfectionists do quite often) or to make blind decisions.
8·When you catch yourself doing this make yourself aware of the feeling it actually gives and stop the negativity by immediately pouring your energy into something loving and positive.
9·But first make a small cake of bread for me from what you have and bring it to me, and then make something for yourself and your son.
10·One of the best decisions you can always make for yourself is to choose in favor of learning something.