white crane 双语例句
1·If you walk through a park in the morning or in the evening, you might see a lot of people doing these slow and beautiful movements—Carry the tiger over the mountain and White crane spreads its wings.
2·The white crane quivered its wings and flied away.
3·In Chinese culture, white crane bears a symbol of elegance, nobleness as well as long life.
4·This article describes the design of protection project for the White Crane Ridge Inscription.
5·To the Chinese, the dragon, phoenix, turtle, unicorn, lion and white crane are auspicious and benevolent.
风 、龟、麒麟、狮子、仙鹤等是人们想象中的瑞禽仁兽。
6·Oh you white crane please lend me your power to fly. I will not linger at far away places but shall make a trip to litang and come back.
7·This article describes the comprehensive protection planning for the preservation and reconstruction of the White Crane Ridge Inscription.
8·They stretch their bodies like a bear and shake necks like a white crane. They build up their bodies and prolong lives by this kind of actions of Yoga.
9·This article reviews and compares the earlier protection plans of the White Crane Ridge Inscription, then describes the prophase study and partial conclusion.
10·White Crane Spreading The Wings is a routine in Yongchun Bai He Quan, which come from the movement of the wings of the white crane. Two elbows mean the two wings, two hands mean the two claws.