brutal world 双语例句
1·A great team makes the brutal world of sales fun and worthwhile.
2·Retain the residual beautiful, This may be every mature, heartbreak woman, in the brutal world of the common aspiration of!
3·The cartoonist Alice Mak, Tse`s wife, added: He has a heart of gold and you`re always afraid that he`s too simple-minded or honest to survive in this brutal world.
4·The cartoonist Alice Mak, Tse's wife, added: he has a heart of gold and you're always afraid that he's too simple-minded or honest to survive in this brutal world.
5·Most of us in this confused and brutal world try to carve out a private life of our own, a life in which we can be happy and peaceful and yet live with the things of this world.
6·The couple has fallen on hard times financially and has bought Spartacus hoping his fighting prowess will help them regain their status in the brutal world of gladiatorial contests.
7·Eddy found himself plunged into a world of brutal violence.
8·I reflect on the brutal, poor and masculine world of pearl diving and the refined, luxurious and largely female world of pearl wearing.
9·Even the police, one of the most brutal forces in the world, are starting to win praise for pacifying bandit-ridden slums.
10·Such brutal clarity is, however, a rarity in the world of complex derivatives.
不过,像Bear Stearns这样如此残忍地阐明事实,在复杂的衍生品世界实属异类。