give upon 双语例句
1·But here, I highly resolve that I will not give upon you.
2·I'm sure he could be prevailed upon to give a talk.
3·When Monica was called upon to give her speech, she stood up and walked to the front of the class without any notes, in a show of confidence.
4·But sometimes, once in many days, or perchance in many months, she felt an eye - a human eye - upon the ignominious brand, that seemed to give a momentary relief, as if half of her agony were Shared.
5·Give portions to seven, yes to eight, for you do not know what disaster may come upon the land.
6·But evolution also requires repeated replication and mutation to generate the variation upon which selection works to give adaptive solutions.
7·Since I must die, answered she (looking upon him with her eyes all bathed in tears), give me some little time to say my prayers. 25.
8·Gilbert decides to divorce her husband not because he was forced upon her, but because there is something intangible that he cannot give her.
9·The new system isn't foolproof - it still relies upon anonymous editing, and assumes that editors who have been around longer are more likely to give you accurate information.
10·He fell face down upon the bed, saying I ought first at leastto give the coin to some child. A child could buy any number of things with apenny.