sports figure 双语例句
1·Armstrong isn't the first major sports figure to be connected with steroids in recent years, but he's certainly one of the most high profile.
2·Sports fans who are turned off by the sometimes brutal intensity of ice hockey can tune in to the gentler figure skating competition.
3·That night, he took her to see a figure-skating competition at the Palace of Sports.
4·The foundation embraces many aesthetic sports, such as synchronised swimming and figure skating, and would welcome cheerleading if it ever became a “true sport”.
5·We are good at ice sports. We have the best figure skaters and the best ice hockey teams in the world.
6·The real dilemma for sports teams is they can't figure out what the real contribution is of individuals as individuals as opposed to individuals as members of the team, Cappelli notes.
7·Insurance sales rack installation usually takes the chute-type (Figure 2) and sports off-type (Figure 3) structure.
8·Wear and figure clearly, such as sports wear, work wear and so on to the main function.
9·Yao's figure will be in good company in the attraction's all-new Sports Zone, which was also unveiled for the first time on the day.
10·Bryant who was once the clear cut poster boy for the post Jordan era of the NBA, is now the most polarizing figure in all of sports.