lay figure 双语例句
1·A crumpled figure lay motionless in the doorway.
2·The programme employs about 40 lay navigators who work in the poorest parts of Kentucky helping people figure out what they need and how to get it.
3·Another, from the section on construction play: “Lay a toy on the floor and figure out how to build a bridge going over the toy with blocks.
4·This example (Figure 8) has a table and a small piece of text on the page to identify the field and lay it out neatly.
5·A young woman was coming toward me, her figure long and slim. Her blonde hair lay back in curls from her delicate ears; her eyes were blue as flowers.
6·You are repeating my words so you can buy yourself some time to figure out a way to lay me down easy?
7·A tiny, motionless figure lay curled up on the bed.
8·His successors put the figure at far less, giving Columbus the mistaken idea that India lay half as far from Portugal if traveling west across the Atlantic as east across land.
9·You have to lay it on the floor, he won't eat it off a plate. And then he will be like, go around it, look at it. He's trying figure out what Angle to come into the food.
10·You are repeating my word so you can buy yourself to figure out the way and lay me down easy.