come to term with 双语例句
1·When it comes to eating smart for your heart, thinking about short-term fixes and simplify life with a straightforward approach that will serve you well for years to come.
2·But rather, we were trying to come up with shorter-term goals, where we could measure progress.
3·Ultimately, we want to come up with a system that makes sense for each community and fits our long-term vision for the forums.
4·America has clearly not yet come to terms with the fact that a healthy long-term future depends on suffering short-term pain.
5·But they, too, are failing in their main brief, having neglected to come up with a plan for dealing with the long-term problem caused by entitlements.
6·The future of flight will involve gradual changes in the near term, with the prospect of more radical shifts in the decades to come.
7·Come along and join in the party games fun with us, it promised in its list of store events, to entertain the kids this half-term.
8·Every year that goes by with extremely high unemployment increases the chance that many of the long-term unemployed will never come back to the work force, and become a permanent underclass.
9·It would put Americans to work quickly and raise productivity in the long term, a Keynesian kick with benefits for years to come.
10·I don't think he deliberately sought to reject or dispute the official definition. I think he simply applied the conventions of the English language to come up with a meaning for the term.