make diagram 双语例句
1·I personally like to include return messages whenever a value will be returned, because I find the extra details make a sequence diagram easier to read.
2·There are several useful modifications that you can make to the visual representation of the diagram.
3·Going to make the same diagram, except now I'm going to use the gas phase as my reference point.
4·As an example of the latter, imagine 4g-enabled helmets that can project a building infrastructure diagram onto a firefighter's visor to help them make their way through a smoke-filled building.
举一个比较强的例子,想象一个可以有4 G功能的头盔放映一装大楼建筑图到消防员的面罩上,这能帮助他们在充满烟雾的大楼里面找到通路。
5·Make sure the final assembly diagram looks similar to Figure 13 below.
6·It is clear from the illustrations in the diagram that most of the interactions on the client will make use of SAAJ, since the protocols involved make use of SOAP messaging.
7·In a topology, you can make this virtualization seamless by creating a diagram that is dedicated to the virtual system.
8·To make that collaboration work between analysts and developers, the executable process language must be flexible enough to fit right onto the analysis diagram.
9·Davis and Ouyang say that samples from only 10 or 12 subjects were enough to make both the molecular-sketch and circuit-diagram systems highly reliable, even for first-time users.
10·Make the following modifications to the assembly diagram.