afford protection 双语例句
1·As they are members of the Paris Convention, all the countries in Latin America afford protection to well-known trademarks.
2·Many are found in tropical and subtropical areas of the world, where the accumulation of high concentrations of metals may afford some protection against plant-eating insects and microbial pathogens.
3·What exactly does this protection afford?
4·We have de-horned some rhinos and relocated some to safer areas where we can afford them maximum protection... if you come here in 10 years' time you will still see the rhino.
5·For those who sleep during the daytime, particularly young children, or sick or older people, insecticide treated mosquito nets afford good protection.
6·Once lauded as a way of offering protection against the risk of companies defaulting, CDSs instead magnified uncertainty as buyers wondered whether sellers could really afford to pay up if called on.
7·Secure Shell (SSH) was intended and designed to afford the greatest protection when remotely accessing another host over the network.
Secure Shell (SSH)的目的在于在通过网络远程访问另一个主机时提供最大的保护。
8·The Windows 95/98/ME family of operating systems was not originally designed to afford the kinds of protection modern operating systems provide.
起初,Windows 95/98/ME 系列操作系统并没有设计成承担现代操作系统提供的保护类型。
9·Windows NT/2000 and all Unix systems afford this kind of protection.
Windows NT/2000 和所有 Unix 系统提供这类保护。
10·Upholding the rules is bound to be hardest where people simply do not know about the sorts of protection that the conventions and protocols are supposed to afford.