commercial broadcasting 双语例句
1·There are some who say Marconi lost his edge when commercial broadcasting came along; he didn't see that radio could or should be used to frivolous ends.
2·Their competition and collaboration were creating the broadcasting industry in the United States, beginning with the introduction of commercial radio programming in the early 1920s.
3·Even more importantly, this success would prove he was right to follow his own beliefs, rather than trying to work within accepted broadcasting formats and supposedly commercial formulae.
4·Revenues have grown steadily in recent years, with income from broadcasting, ticket sales and commercial sales each making up about one-third.
5·A few months ago it told a successful commercial station to stop broadcasting a popular talent contest called Super Girl.
6·Started selling each and everything online, and along with that Jeff Bezos starts first commercial-free 24 hour, internet-only radio stations. Then radio HK and NetRadio start broadcasting.
开始在线零售业务,随着Jeff Bezos创办了第一个24小时播音的非商业在线电台,香港电台及NetRadio开播。
7·Private foundations helped support the faltering educational radio, give birth to the new public broadcasting, making it a unique happening in a commercial society.
8·The club had broken the mould for commercial income. Growth for most other clubs in the table has tended to come more from broadcasting and match day income.