classical drama 双语例句
1·The second chapter discusses the image of back garden in Chinese classical drama.
2·In the fifth chapter, discuss the relationship between the puppet play in song dynasty and the Chinese classical drama.
3·Being different from western drama narration mode is the direct reason for forming Chinese classical drama especially the tragedy.
4·The happy ending of Chinese classical drama, which has been criticized, is taken as the major argument that there is no tragedy in China.
5·Their second step was to develop a repertoire that would faithfully render classical drama to the audience, yet broad enough to avoid repetition.
6·The three women were the heroines of reviving from death in Chinese classical drama. They are deducted over again by modern women, but revealed the inner mind of the ancient women.
7·It argues for the existence of tragedy in China. The happy ending of Chinese classical drama, which has been criticized, is taken as the major argument that there is no tragedy in China.
8·By the date of his birth Europe was witnessing the passing of the religious drama, and the creation of new forms under the incentive of classical tragedy and comedy.
9·Even the most ardent drama fan needs a break from the theatre every now and then, so recently I've been attending some classical music concerts.
10·Kathakali is an elaborate classical dance-drama from the southern Indian state of Kerala that combines literature, music, painting, acting and dance.