hazardous article 双语例句
1·Article 2 of MIWSLHCPE requires that the enterprises engaging in the manufacture of hazardous chemical production must acquire the work safety licences pursuant to the MIWSLHCPE.
2·Article 4 the State Bureau of Safe Production supervision and administration shall be in charge of the supervision and administration of the registration of hazardous chemicals of the whole country.
3·Article 2 This Regulation shall apply to the safety management of the production, storage, use, dealing and transport of hazardous chemicals.
4·Article 2 a hazardous chemical production enterprise shall obtain the work safety license according to the provisions of the present Measures for Implementation.
5·Article 41 Consignors, in consigning hazardous chemicals, shall state the item names, quantity, hazards, emergency response measures, etc. of such chemicals to the carriers.
6·Article 3 the state shall apply a license system for the operation and marketing of hazardous chemicals.
7·This article investigates the professional female's despondent present situation and the reason, the analysis obtains the despondent related influencing factor and the hazardous nature.
8·This article discusses the ships to carry the hazardous goods container with emphasis the surveillance management.
9·This article gives the solution of the Division of Explosive and Hazardous Area and Type Chosen of the Electrical Equipment in the petrol and chemical industry.
10·Article 58 Hazardous waste shall be collected and stored separately according to their different properties as classified.