set off/out 双语例句
1·They set off, two men out in front as scouts, two behind in case of any attack from the rear.
2·Xerox set about a process of reverse engineering. It pulled the machines apart and investigated the Japanese factories to find out how they could pull off such feats.
3·From there I set off, heading south, along the border stones and white stakes that marked out the western side of the border with East Germany. I had my camera with me.
4·They set off again - and promptly ran out of fuel.
5·I set it aside, went out for the night, came back the next morning, and cut off a thin slice.
6·Toward evening I would return to a more formal section of the park, set out as a garden, just off the main road.
7·Some fear that speaking out about the need for expenses-related sackings could set off a wave of retribution that could eventually engulf them too.
8·They set out to discover whether female competition accounted for these impressive armaments, and whether there was a trade-off between horns and fecundity.
9·In the end, I send them out with a long shopping list, set the timer on my phone to go off in ten minutes and drag Colin upstairs.
10·With our house rented and two one-way tickets to Japan in hand, we set off for what turned out to be a two-year adventure, as our money went much further than we had expected.