statistical error 双语例句
1·Statistical error is reduced by including more terms.
2·The accuracy of anisotropic coefficient mainly depends on the statistical error of the counting.
3·For many applications these simple ideas alone lead to a sufficient appraisal of the statistical error.
4·The signal estimate and statistical error analysis for edge technique is made in details in this paper.
5·Compared with the mixed linear model analysis, the analysis of variance could result in higher type I or II statistical error rates.
6·Secondly, the paper analyzes the influences of statistical error, capital flight and hot money inflow on net errors and omissions and finds out their interrelations.
7·The standard limit on the precision with which a quantum measurement can be carried out is due to the statistical error associated with counting discrete particles rather than continuous quantities.
8·So in theory this survey is picking up, with a wide range of statistical sampling error, the number of people who work as reporters and correspondents, whether or not that is their actual title.
9·That number does not fall when people are reminded that they will end up paying more for their own beer; indeed it rises slightly, though the increase is still within the statistical margin of error.
当被告知征税将导致他们喝啤酒的价格也上升时,该支持率也没有下降。 甚至稍有上升,尽管增长幅度仍在统计误差范围之内。
10·To compensate for the estimation error, a statistical view can be created and readied for exploitation as follow.