hear say of 双语例句
1·For those of you who have never heard French before, when you hear somebody say, Je ne sais pas, you could say, Remarkable!
对于你们那些从未听过法语的人来说,当你们听到有人说“Je ne sais pas”,你可能会说:“太神奇了!”
2·Its heroine is a pregnant young woman who survives the catastrophe only to say later: Nobody wanted to hear about it, not here in the West (of Germany) and not at all in the East.
3·He was very visibly upset, I would say, to hear of some of the things that are told in the Ryan Report and how the children had suffered, said Archbishop Diarmuid Martin.
“我可以肯定的说,当听到瑞安报告上的那些事和得知那些孩子是如何受到虐待时,他显然非常地生气。” 迪阿尔穆德·马丁大主教说道。
4·I frequently read or hear people say something along the lines of this or that is not properly object oriented, or ... function oriented , or something else similar to that.
5·And this is what linguists do for a living so if you hear me talking about this and say, I want to spend the next forty years of my life studying that, you should become a linguist.
6·A friend of mine got to know a few of them and took me down one night to hear what they had to say.
7·The obscurity of JTS is in some sense due to its own success: because it hides the details of transaction management so effectively, we don't hear or say very much about it.
在某种意义上,JTS 的默默无闻恰恰是它的成功:因为它非常有效地隐藏了事务管理的很多细节,因此,我们没有听说过或者谈论过很多关于它的内容。
8·Over and over again I hear fellow survivors of the divorce Olympics say they don’t want to put their own children through the anguish they felt, if it can be avoided.
9·I remember feeling so exalted to hear Dr Kissinger say that within a decade, the human race will have eradicated starvation from the face of the planet.
10·She was rather full of herself and said to Russell, They say I'm the most beautiful woman in the world, and I hear you're the smartest man.