quid pro quo 双语例句
1·They share a great deal of information on a quid pro quo basis.
2·Please accept the use of our cottage as a quid pro quo for lending us your car.
3·This arrangement was a quid pro quo for credits given by G10 under the Basel Agreement.
4·For international multinationals, technology transfer has long been the quid pro quo of landing deals in China.
5·Responsibility is a verbal counterfeit for a substantial quid pro quo. It is an attempt to get something for nothing.
6·After all, you care about the individual; if you expected a quid pro quo, you didn't have much of a friendship to begin with.
7·If the search market were competitive, then normal commercial negotiations would establish some sort of quid pro quo for the exchange.
8·Clean, in this context, means a taxpayer-financed bailout with no strings attached - no quid pro quo on the part of those being bailed out.
9·The kicker is this: if you want to exportyour finished goods to America, you have to sign up to protect Americancopyrights in your own country. Quid pro quo.
10·My comparative advantage in the coauthoring quid pro quo is based on experience , intuition , writing skills , and a pretty good nose for interesting questions.