agreement price 双语例句
1·What is the name of your company, I can give you the agreement price.
2·I am both the member and the agreement guest, if I check in with the agreement price, could I get the reward points?
3·The guest use Executive Floor rate or Executive Suites agreement price can select hotel's Four Seasons coffee buffet breakfast and afternoon tea in the Executive Lounge.
4·In order to avoid vicious price competition, enterprises in this industry wish to execute together the agreement price by establishing price alliance to prevent the declination of profits.
5·Are we in agreement about the price?
6·Agreement on an international carbon-price floor would be a good starting point in that process.
7·The Banks may struggle to reach agreement on a host of issues, not least the price at which to buy assets.
8·But the agreement does not meet the explicit conditions the Quartet set as its price for ending the embargo it imposed after Hamas won last year's legislative elections.
9·Knowing that this marriage could not be kept, with great grudge in heart, Chen decided to work out a divorce agreement that would make her pay the price!
10·Under this rule — which would require international agreement and federal legislation — the buying pressure on CDS would greatly diminish, and all outstanding CDS would drop in price.