compile information 双语例句
1·Their satellite was designed to communicate with man, as well as compile information for periodic transmissions back to the alien group which had installed it.
2·You can send or receive letters to people anywhere. You can also store, delete and compile information. In a word, E-mail helps you overcome spatial and time limitations in communication.
3·We compile thousands of such records every year and with the information recorded we're able to see what is happening in the natural world around us.
4·Indeed, the time to fetch information from a repository — be it a file or database server — far exceeds the lapse required to compile and perhaps even execute a PHP program.
5·In recent years, development environments began taking even more advantage of the information provided by the compile cycle and static typing.
6·Our scientists here compile that information, and we have someone stationed here from the USGS Volcano Hazards Program who puts out a weekly report of eruptive activity all over the globe.
7·Furthermore, using the nmon analyzer, you can download information into spreadsheets and compile nice-looking charts that senior management likes to see.
8·When you pass the information to the compiler, you request that the reader modify the include path appropriately per the installation. Then, compile the code.
9·The within pointcut is similar to this(), except that ajc detects it entirely at compile time (most pointcuts can discriminate based on run-time information).
除了 ajc 在编译时彻底检测 withinPointcut 以外(大多数 Pointcut 可以根据运行时信息区别开来), withinPointcut 类似于 this()。
10·The declarative information is transformed into an imperative form at compile-time, rather than each time it is used at runtime, resulting in faster code.