portfolio selection 双语例句
1·Markowitz, Portfolio Selection. The Journal of Finance, March, 1952.
2·This paper we presents an evolutionary game theory approach for portfolio selection.
3·In this paper, the effects of benchmark portfolio on portfolio selection and asset pricing are analyzed.
4·Popular methods and models of project portfolio selection are introduced and the main problems are analyzed in this research.
5·Abstract: In the process of market expansion, real estate enterprises often faced with some problem of project portfolio selection.
6·In this paper, authors raise fuzzy optimization models of portfolio selection which give consideration to both return and desiration.
本文提出了一种考虑收益和风险偏好的组合证券模糊 最优化 模型。
7·Formerly research on portfolio selection mostly made assumption with the riskless asset, but the riskless asset does not exist in fact.
8·It's regretted that the multi-extremum theory of portfolio selection with different fat tails is still a problem that needs to be resolved.
9·The author also considered the optimum portfolio selection problem with risk-free assets and gave a instance to show how to solve the problem.
10·The profit rate, investment risk and transaction cost are synthetically considered in this new model, which is very useful in the portfolio selection.