drop a hint 双语例句
1·Should I drop a hint to Matt?
2·He let drop a hint of his intentions.
3·Did you wife drop a hint as to what you wanted for Christmas.
4·Did your wife drop a hint as to what she wanted for Christmas!?
5·The speaker drop a hint of a possible modification of the proposal.
6·I will drop the boy a hint and suggest that he might find it easier to find a job if he got rid of the green punk hair style.
7·Hint: You can prevent Package Explorer from hiding the .classpath and other dot-prefixed files by selecting Filters from the drop-down menu with a triangular icon.
提示:通过从带三角形图标的下拉菜单中选择 Filters 可以防止 Package Explorer 隐藏 .classpath 和其它点前缀的(dot-prefixed)文件。
8·As you'd expect a 1080p clip loads quickly and cycles just fine — we had five simultaneous 1080p clips going without a hint of frame drop on any.
正如你期望的,1080p的电影加载迅速,周期合适- - -我们同事开启5个1080p电影没有任何掉帧。
9·I will drop the boy a hint suggest that he might find it easier to find a job if he got rid of the green punk hair style.
10·The fluid drop shape gives any outfit a hint of romance. Why not combine it with the matching earrings?