big big world 双语例句
1·The big thing to keep in mind with RSA in the real world is that all of the Numbers involved have to be big to make things really hard to break using the best algorithms that we have.
2·India's big population makes its GDP look big, but also means it has the largest number of poor people, infant deaths, maternal deaths in childbirth, and highest child malnutrition in the world.
3·International results are very important to me and it's vital that Russia go to big tournaments - we missed out on the World Cup but have made a big step now.
4·CNN: You're a big believer in the idea that music is this big unifying force in the world.
5·With just four big accounting firms remaining, and none of the next tier big enough to take up the slack, the corporate world cannot easily handle another accounting-firm failure.
6·Our business world stands today at the threshold of a new industry, as big data gains value on a very big scale.
7·Changchun Passenger car manufactory is China first big, world fifth big track vehicles manufacturer.
8·City traffic is a big problem in some cities in the world, especially in big cities.
9·City traffic is a big problem in some cities in the world, especially in big cities.
10·The Big Ben is very famous throughout the world, but nobody really knows why it is called Big Ben.