dist 双语例句
1·Dist (generated by the build).
2·Dist: The distance function to use.
3·Distributing your code (make dist).
分发代码(make dist)。
4·Save your modified build.xml and run ant dist.
保存修改后的build . xml并运行ant dist。
5·Run ant dist.
运行ant dist。
6·Make dist USES MANIFEST to generate its tar file.
make dist使用MANIFEST来生成其tar文件。
7·The study range of the online vehicle long dist…
8·You'll then find dwcorba1. ear in the dist subdirectory.
然后可以在dist子目录中找到dwcorba1 . ear。
9·Copy c: \ PHP \ php.ini-dist to c: \ PHP \ php.ini and open it with an editor.
将c: \ php \ php . ini - dist复制到c: \ php \ php . ini,然后用编辑器将其打开。
10·One of the additional targets provided by MakeMaker is dist, which I will discuss later.