power turn-on 双语例句
1·The hardest task that television asks of anyone is to turn the power off after he has turned it on.
2·The blades turn on the generator located inside the tower, which creates power.
3·Solar homes produce the most power on the hot sunny afternoons when everyone rushes home to turn up the air conditioner.
4·Power companies always keep spare capacity and will keep their turbines spinning through this unpredictable fall in demand in preparation for when people turn their lights back on again.
5·You need to plop a coin in the Power-Piggy to activate electricity flow, so kids can use their allowance to turn on the TV or video games by feeding the Power-Hog with loose change.
6·Electricity may make it possible to turn on the power plant's extensive cooling systems.
7·When it is set to 1, the scheduler tries to schedule processes to as few hyperthreads on a core as possible so that the others can go idle and in turn save power through idle C states.
在设置为 1 时,调度器尝试在核上尽可能少的超线程上调度进程,让其他超线程可以空闲,进而通过空闲 C 状态节省电力。
8·The major advantage of cloud computing is being able to quickly turn applications on (spin up) or off and to elastically grow your computing power on an as-needed basis.
9·Gershenfeld, noting that maintaining that abstraction requires increasing amounts of power and complex programmning, wants to turn this on its head.
10·You can either do this by holding down the PS button on the controller and then choosing Turn off the system, or by simply holding the power button down for five seconds.
您可以通过按控制器上的PS按钮然后选择Turn off the system来重新启动系统,或者通过按电源按钮5秒钟来重新启动系统。