forced entry 双语例句
1·The door and the windows were all closed and there was no sign of forced entry.
2·She knocked but could get no response and finally called the ambulance service to effect a forced entry.
3·The anchorwoman's purse was also missing, and police speculated that she was beaten during a robbery, although there was no sign of forced entry into her home.
4·While he struggled early with a couple of bad entry passes and forced shots, Lee showed by the end of the game why the Rockets have prized his services for years.
5·At first, with no barrier to entry, enrolment climbed, but in 1976 the city of New York, which was then in effect bankrupt, forced CUNY to impose tuition fees.
6·If an older worker is forced to work an extra couple of years, it seems obvious this would delay a young person's entry into the labor force.
7·The thieves had forced an entry into the building.
8·The club is now bigger and more bureaucratic, and includes east European countries which were forced to swallow much unpalatable stuff as the price of entry to the club.
9·Finally, Voskhod 2 went off course during re-entry and landed in the Ural mountains where Leonov and his commander were forced to wait for rescue amid the howls of hungry wolves.