file suit 双语例句
1·A patent owner can file suit in a district court for ACTS of patent infringement that occur in the U. s.
2·To file suit, obtain the appropriate form, called the Statement of Claim and Notice, from the Small Claims Court in your district.
3·Audit: the system will record important events, to allow later tracking of what happened (for example, to catch or file suit against an attacker).
4·If the Ecuadorean courts rule against Chevron, the plaintiffs' lawyers can be expected to file suit in the United States to collect the settlement.
5·A bunch of women who lived in the same apartment went to court to file suit against each other for making trouble, and they all began talking at the same time.
6·Lawyer David Koubbi says Tristane Banon, a writer, did not file suit earlier due to pressures and was dissuaded by her own mother, a regional Socialist official.
7·The administrator can modify this configuration file to make this application suit any privacy requirements.
8·Typically, there is no right or wrong file system to deploy: you must analyze your storage needs and pick the file system or combination of file systems that suit your purpose.
9·You can take any existing report file and modify it to suit your needs (add company logo, for instance).
10·Edit the file Make.LinuxGeneric as follows, changing the values to suit your environment.
编辑文件Make . LinuxGeneric中下面的内容,并修改为适合您的环境的值。