nexus 双语例句
1·Clearly, real interest rates respond to influences other than the savings/investment nexus.
2·Congratulations, Nexus One users!
恭喜你们,Nexus One的用户们!
3·The Nexus S was the least impressive of the three.
Nexus S 是这三个手机中给我们留下印象最不好的一款!
4·But there was ambiguity in that awkward word, nexus.
5·With the Nexus s, you can really talk to your phone.
用Nexus s,你能真的对你的手机说话。
6·In 25 years designers will be at the nexus of things.
7·If you want an Android phone right now, get a Nexus one.
如果你想现在入手一台Android手机,买Nexus One吧。
8·The Nexus One has a dual mic system for noise cancellation.
Nexus One有个双麦克风系统来消除噪音。
9·There's absolutely no doubt that the Galaxy Nexus is a big phone.
Galaxy Nexus无疑是一款大号手机。
10·At least the Nexus One is apparently having a good afterlife.
至少Nexus One显然会有一个好的来世。
1·It's a 'buy one, get one free' deal, said Douglas Kenney, a professor at the University of Colorado Law School and the editor of an upcoming book that explores the nexus of water and energy.
2·After constructing an appropriate measurement of financial depth, this paper finds a significant and positive nexus existing between financial deepening and productivity growth.
3·Objective To study the status, nexus, possible reason and clinical infection of the pleomorphic adenoma in parotid and the gland system shift of parotid simple leaf.
4·Thus, the term is a nexus of confusion.
5·Performers' right is right a performer possesses on his performance, and is the core content of dramaturgy legal nexus.
1·For some 30 years, I have been evaluating the nexus between international security concerns and global finance.