face-piece 双语例句
1·The woman's 15-month-old baby girl choked on a small piece of pear and her face turned purple.
2·On the stove, a piece of paper was stuck on the front of the clock, obscuring the face: Ignore this clock.
3·Kangchun's face was smeared with dirt and he carried a flashlight suspended from his neck with a piece of twine.
4·Michael sits and quietly traces a piece of his tattoo, the face of a devil, onto a piece of paper taped to his arm.
5·He then sorted the 1,300 pictures and matched each with a face on a painting or other piece of art.
6·He then sorted the 1, 300 pictures and matched each with a face on a painting or other piece of art.
7·They all focus on face-to-face communication and fast release cycles, and they aim to deliver a working piece of software in short time periods.
8·'That day', said the father softly with tears now rolling down his face, 'the boys from both teams helped bring a piece of true love and humanity into this world'.
9·The font face, size and color can do an amazing job of controlling how your website says something that leaves an impression on users, which leads to the final piece of our sandwich.
10·He lost part of his left arm and right hand, most of his face, and a piece of his brain.