commit to memory 双语例句
1·The purpose of your third and final reading is to commit to memory the?most important elements of the book.
2·Think of these moments like little GPS way stations, points in time and space that you want to commit to memory.
3·To think exaltation reading comprehension ability want to be malicious to grasp a basic achievement first, commit to memory a list a phrase, extension oneself of vocabulary quantity.
4·Seeing how words are used (and how sentences are structured) with your own eyes helps you commit the information to memory better than by listening to a teacher discuss the points in class.
5·If necessary, take notes about the answers you are given and do your best to commit them to memory.
6·These values likely aren't optimal for your environment, but they're conservative values to chosen to avoid problems with memory over commit.
7·Log records are written first to the log buffer in memory, and then to the log file, most commonly when the log buffer is full or a commit occurs.
8·Ni counsels everyone who comes to her for help to commit the promise to memory.
9·Now use that skill in the workplace to commit work duties and methods to memory.
10·Napping after learning something new could help you commit it to memory - as long as you dream, scientists say.