maintenance employees 双语例句
1·Along with improving the equipment, Chris began a program to train employees to use equipment better and do simple maintenance themselves.
2·Maintenance and operation of electrical and machinery equipments should strictly follow safety requests and only by trained and certified employees.
3·Liaise with employees of the Engineering Division to schedule preventive maintenance and repairs.
4·It also offers a tool that allows employees to do some self-maintenance of their machines, such as registering for Wi-Fi access or locating a lost device.
MobileIron还向公司员工提供工具,以便他们自行完成Wi - Fi连接注册、定位丢失设备等维护工作。
5·For employees in the field of systems, systems development, systems analysis, and systems maintenance.
6·Although there may be some limitations with highly technical jobs such as cooking or maintenance, wherever possible, employees at SAH are able to work in a wide variety of positions.
7·The company has 147 employees, are specialized in road engineering equipment sales, leasing and maintenance services companies.
8·Company employees 22 people, including 11 professional maintenance staff.
9·As employees join TPM teams, operators are trained to perform routine maintenance items and assume an ownership role.
10·Under the five-year agreement, ABB will assume several dozen employees and responsibility for all maintenance -related actions and equipment at the plant.