heat lamp 双语例句
1·When Ph.D. student Quentin Willot shaved an ant with a tiny scalpel and put it under a heat lamp, its temperature jumped.
2·When Ph.D. student Quentin Willot removed the hair from an ant with a tiny knife and put it under a heat lamp, its temperature jumped.
3·No, to insure proper application a heat lamp is required.
4·Wet laundry is hung outside to dry or under a heat lamp in the bathroom.
5·White woven heat lamp is not small, the ideal situation is to use the Designed low heat .
6·The material is then cut into a desired pattern and placed under an infrared light, such as a heat lamp.
7·With high conductivity of 0603-type aluminum for heat dissipation, to ensure the rapid export heat lamp beads.
8·Heat lamp can directly onto food effectively, keep the food temperature and brittleness, retain fresh feeling when their taste.
9·Fire officials say a lumbering pet turtle sparked a fast-moving fire in a New York City apartment after crawling out of its tank and knocking over the terrarium's heat lamp.
10·Other options include using a hot pack an electric heat pad set on its lowest setting or a radiant heat lamp with a 250 watt reflector heat bulb to warm specific muscles and joints.
其他选项包括使用热敷电热垫定于它的最低设置或辐射热灯与25 0瓦的热反射灯泡以热烈的具体肌肉和关节。