expression of interest 双语例句
1·The main contents include the following: (1) Describe the status of peasants 'expression of interest.
2·The decision to put the buildings up for sale followed an expression of interest in them, the person said.
3·TheInvestor (Investor 2 Category) is managed by requiring applicants to first submit an Expression of Interest (EOI).
4·The Investor (Investor 2 Category) is managed by requiring applicants to first submit an Expression of Interest (EOI).
5·We didn't take his expression of interest in our ideas too seriously, for we suspected he was merely angling for praise.
6·On Huahine, in the Society Islands, a village barber responded warmly to my expression of interest in Polynesian archaeology.
在群岛(Society Islands)的Huahine( 什么东东? ),村里的一个理发师听说我对波利尼西亚考古感兴趣,热情地回应我。
7·'Stand a little away from him, Beadle,' said the other magistrate: laying aside the paper, and leaning forward with an expression of interest.
8·Please contact us with an expression of interest by completing a form with the following information: Name, Title, University, Degrees earned, and Teaching experience.
9·Your subconscious mind will give you compound interest in all these fields of expression.
10·Then your subconscious mind will give you compound interest in all these fields of expression.