tank capacity 双语例句
1·Fuel Tank Capacity 17.5 liter 4.6 gal.
2·Currently the mainstream mixer concrete tank capacity is 12 square.
3·Concrete mixer mainly depends on the stability of the tank capacity and chassis.
4·It is also possible to utilize the tank capacity in a more efficient, and at the same time, safe way.
5·The hydrogen tank capacity guarantees the Panda hydrogen a range of more than 200 km over an urban cycle.
6·Ariane 5 has a much larger they-diameter, tank capacity and greater thrust power than Ariane 4. The reliability of Ariane 5 also must be improved.
7·Referring to the design of the AFFF fire extinguishing system on the helicopter flight deck of surface naval ships, the foam concentration and the foam tank capacity are chosen.
8·If you have weak healers, the tank will have to take a more active role in his survival, and the damage dealers will need to finish the fight more quickly to not run the healers out of capacity.
9·Steiner said his estimates came from the fact the oil storage tank that was destroyed had a capacity of about 90, 000 tons (27.70 million gallons) and reportedly had just been filled by the tanker.
10·Steiner said his estimates came from the fact the oil storage tank that was destroyed had a capacity of about 90,000 tons (27.70 million gallons) and reportedly had just been filled by the tanker.