sponsored research 双语例句
1·Commentary: but what should journals actually do to keep industry sponsored research unbiased?
2·In federally sponsored research programs, the university ranks sixth among all public universities.
3·If your item is the product of sponsored research, you can provide information about the sponsor here.
4·CU researchers received 3,093 awards for sponsored research in 1999-2000, an increase of 30 percent during the past seven years.
5·Air Products has sponsored research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to study the reactivity of NF3 in the atmosphere.
Air Products已经在麻省理工学院赞助了在空气中nf3的的反应活性的研究。
6·The Office of sponsored Research provides pre-award and post-award administrative services for sponsored projects for the University.
7·It is that frustration that motivated Sabin to participate in U-M sponsored research designed to better diagnose and treat dementia before it escalates.
8·For example, through Longwood Gardens-sponsored research we have observed that plants are flowering earlier on average 1 day per decade over the last 150 years.
9·The report, which includes findings from NOAA-sponsored research projects involving more than 60 scientists, was released last week at a scientific meeting in San Francisco.
相关报告包括有60余名科学家参与的多个NOAA赞助项目的诸多发现。 上周,该报告在旧金山的一次科学会议上发布。
10·Carlsberg Brewery for many years has sponsored scientific research through the Carlsberg Foundation.