in band 双语例句
1·Instances will always be embedded in band documents.
2·My son came home from school Friday telling me how he had gotten into trouble in band class for yelling during practice.
3·I'm just saying, keep them in mind, those girls in Band-Aids, because they want to see themselves on screen doing death-defying stunts, too.
4·The main program is nothing more than a loop to get the current stock price, check to see if it's in band, and, if not, send an E-mail alert to the user.
主程序只是一个循环,用来获得股票的当前价格,检查价格是否在所限定的范围内,如果不在就发送e - mail警告来提醒用户。
5·Others used in band technology in which the addressing and control information was sent on the same network that these black boxes operated on, as shown in Figure 3.
其他供应商使用了“带内(in band)”技术,这种技术中,在运行这些“黑箱”的同一网络上发送寻址和控制信息,如图3所示。
6·In the distance a band was playing.
7·Her husband had played the trombone in the band for a decade.
8·The band is breaking in a new backing vocalist, who sounds great.
9·The band has a huge following in Italy.
10·I was a fan back in the days when the band wasn't yet famous.