be excellent at 双语例句
1·Responsibility: Work hard to be excellent at job tasks, especially the unpleasant ones.
2·It's possible to be excellent at anything, but nothing valuable comes easy and discomfort is part of growth.
3·They want to be excellent at everything they do, as mother, daughter, wife, girlfriend, professional and volunteer.
4·Responsibility: Work hard to be excellent at job tasks, especially the unpleasant ones. Pay attention to detail.
5·Around 40% of FTSE chief executives have used a personal coach. it is extraordinary to think you can be excellent at something without a coach.
6·That at least would be an excellent start.
7·For Chen and Li, who were studying fluid mechanics at the time, this was considered to be an excellent idea.
8·The documentation provided us with excellent strategy recommendations at each step along the way, and the RUP's tool mentors helped us understand how each Rational tool could and should be applied.
RUP 的文档在实施 RUP 的道路的每一个步骤上为我们提供了卓越的策略建议,并且 RUP 的工具指导也帮助我们理解 Rational 的每一个工具应该如何被应用。
9·It can be made fun and it can be made rigorous at the same time (Ben Goldacre's excellent book Bad Science is a model of good practice in this respect).
这门课程可以既严格又好玩(Ben Goldacre的优秀作品《糟糕的科学》是这方面实践的典范)。
10·At first, it was hard to believe. I considered myself to be quite excellent.