nylon cord 双语例句
1·The door had been tied shut with a length of nylon cord.
2·There was a coil of nylon cord, a saw and other implements in it.
3·The test results showed that the heat resistance and dimensional stability of DSP cord were better than those of modified nylon cord;
4·He took her by the fingers and pulled her into shore. He got some nylon cord and tied it to her wrist and then looped the rest around a tree.
5·The results showed that the performance of the tire with the low shrinkage nylon cord was similar to that of the post-cure inflated tire.
6·Box of high quality stainless steel, does not rust, clean, hair rollers is not easy deformation, rolling brush made of nylon cord, durable.
7·Requirements of steel cord, polyester cord, nylon cord for tyre in 2005 and 2010 are forecasted and application foreground of Kevlar is described.
8·Extra strong nylon cord thread and structure design contribute to the high load performance, thus Tiumsun tires can be used for various kinds of road.
9·The dipping of glass fiber fabric and nylon cord fabric in ENR latex and the application of raw rubber to manufacturing printing roll and inner tube of bicycle and...
10·The dipping of glass fiber fabric and nylon cord fabric in ENR latex and the application of raw rubber to manufacturing printing roll and inner tube of bicycle and motorcycle...