noob 双语例句
1·Sorry if this is a noob question.
2·Flora : I am neither. I am just a noob .
我两者都不是, 我只是一个菜鸟。
3·Azgalor - 40% MT damage, 25% OT damage, 35% noob damage.
阿兹·加洛- mt负担40%伤害,ot负担25%伤害,新手负担35%伤害。
4·Caba 'drin: many patient answers to my noob coder questions.
Caba ' drin:许多病人回答我的菜鸟程序员的问题。
5·Another noob question: How many shield bases can one connect to a NGO?
另一个菜鸟问题:多少盾基地可以连接到一个NGO ?
6·I consider myself a noob, because not everything in Ubuntu is easily comprehensible.
7·I am a noob when it comes to machine learning and I am trying to use ML to classify some data.
8·This is going to be a really basic question, sorry for sounding like such a noob but I'm stuck.
9·Even if they don't know the most basic of build orders a complete 'noob' can understand that 'your units exploding all over the place bad... having more units than your opponent good'.
10·NOOB INSIGHT: Don't submit crap for the sake of it as it won't get any votes and you risk being booted from the system for flooding it selfishly, and don't only submit your own content.
菜鸟视点: 不要提交垃圾内容,它不但不能获得社区公民的投票,还让你冒着被海量内容淹没的风险。